Cooking Up a... Catering Business

A book by

Doris Coonrad
The Accidental Caterer
Woodside, California

My catering career began by accident in 1974. Our friend Bill Gordon had invited our family to a luau he had organized in Marin County. Unlike the traditional luaus we’d grown used to while living in Hawaii, the food was sparse and uninspired. Bill overheard me tell one of my kids, “We could have done better than this.” “Great!” he said. “You can do the food next year.” A year later we delivered on the challenge with great success, and that is what got the proverbial ball rolling.

I am also available for teaching cooking or consulting for weddings and other events. For more information on this service, please contact me.

Doris Coonrad (


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ISBN: 978-0-615-47332-1

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Date created: August 25, 2012
Last modified: October 16, 2012

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