Photo Album Page 1
Loading Dallas' trailer (image #041108-0646)
Loading kids on the bus (image #041108-0647)
(image #041108-Ray_M-0957)
(image #041108-Ray_M-0959)
Snowball fight at Crane Flat. (photo by Mike La T.; image #041108_La_T-02)
Since we didn't unpack their gloves, it didn't last too long. (image #041108A-01)
First view of the Valley. (photo by Mike La T.; image #041108_La_T-05)
Mike La T. and our two carloads of kids (image #041108A-02)
Bridalvale Falls. (image #041108-0649)
Gus. (image #041108-0650)
(image #041108-0653)
(image #041108A-03)
(image #041108-0655)
Welcome to Camp Curry. (photo by Jason; image #041111-Jason_H-0691)
Carmen. (image #041108-0658)
(image #041108-0660)
Brittany. (image #041108-0661)
Marija. (image #041108-0662)
Jason. (image #041108-0663)
Twins. (image #041108-0664)
Berlyn. (image #041108-0665)
Jazz. (image #041108-0666)
Alexandra. (image #041108-0667)
Kerry. (image #041108-0668)
Group. (image #041108-0672)
(image #041109_La_T-24)
(image #041109_La_T-33)
(image #041109_La_T-34)
(image #041109-0675)
(image #041109-0677)
Ian. (image #041109-0678)
Garrett. (image #041109-0679)
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Web page by Mike Diggles
Date created: November 14, 2004
Last modified: June 6, 2005
The URL of this Web site is